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Review: Lords of Shadow

Castlevania and 3-D have always been known as an odd couple. Even if the problem hasn’t been gameplay, there have been loads of obstacles. Low technical quality, flat level design or the ignoring of Castlevania’s functional structure have done disservices to “3D Vanias”. The stern opinion of some players that three-dimensionality and Castlevania will never work as a full-blooded entity has also probably caused the series’ flame of technical advances to flicker. It hasn’t therefore been completely unfounded to ponder if 3-D is necessary at all. Then again, so many other things have contributed to the shortcomings of the previous 3-D installments that depth impression can’t possibly be the reason the previous attempts failed. … (read more)
“The only true” Castlevania…
A lot happened at this year’s E3, regarding Castlevania. No news was heard about IGA’s so far untitled Castlevania, developed for next generation consoles. So far the only bit of information has been the brief teaser, assumably showing Alucard. Instead something else happened and ewoke lots of reactions… (read more)
Continuevania: The Quest for the Preservance of Castlevania
22 years is a long time for any video game series to be around. Castlevania has now achieved this milestone and could therefore raise a strong toast to its long journey. But while celebrating, it should also sit down to ponder the past and the future. Naturally the future of Castlevania is directly connected to the contents of, which is currently celebrating its fifth anniversary… (read more)
One more time, Simon
Symphony of the Night is a game appreciated also by those who do not identify themselves as Castlevania fans. It is a beautiful looking game with great music and excellent playability. But would someone mind telling me why it has reached an almost relic-like status and why is Alucard so often revered as the key ingredient of a succesful Castlevania game?… (read more)